Acid Tabs:
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Acid Tabs / 303 Patterns:
61. Acid Tabs 109 - TB-303 Pattern
Acid Tabs 109 - TB-303 Pattern - Pattern created by Acid-Tabs on Tuesday the 31st of October 2023 at 18:52:20 Scale Selected: Dorian Scale This pattern is Donationware. Demo sample was recorded from a Roland TB3 with some slight delay.
License Type: Donationware
Donationware - This work id Donationware.

62. Acid Tabs 106 - TB-303 Pattern
Acid Tabs 106 - TB-303 Pattern - Pattern created by Acid-Tabs on Tuesday the 31st of October 2023 at 17:29:05 Scale Selected: Blues Scale This pattern is Donationware.
License Type: Donationware
Donationware - This work id Donationware.

63. Acid Tabs 105 - TB-303 Pattern
Acid Tabs 105 - TB-303 Pattern - Pattern created by Acid-Tabs on Tuesday the 31st of October 2023 at 17:09:02 Scale Selected: Phrygian Scale This pattern is Donationware.
License Type: Donationware
Donationware - This work id Donationware.

64. Acid Tabs 104 - TB-303 Pattern
Acid Tabs 104 - TB-303 Pattern - Pattern created by Acid-Tabs on Tuesday the 31st of October 2023 at 16:44:34 Scale Selected: Full Octave Scale This pattern is Donationware.
License Type: Donationware
Donationware - This work id Donationware.

65. Acid Tabs 103 - TB-303 Pattern
Acid Tabs 103 - TB-303 Pattern - This pattern is Donationware.
License Type: Donationware
Donationware - This work id Donationware.

66. Acid Tabs 102 - TB-303 Pattern
Acid Tabs 102 - TB-303 Pattern - This pattern is Donationware.
License Type: Donationware
Donationware - This work id Donationware.

67. Acid Tabs 101 - TB-303 Pattern
Acid Tabs 101 - TB-303 Pattern - This pattern is Donationware.
License Type: Donationware
Donationware - This work id Donationware.

68. Acid Tabs 74 - TB-303 Pattern
Acid Tabs 74 - TB-303 Pattern - Pattern created by Acid-Tabs on Tuesday the 31st of October 2023 at 05:14:52 Scale Selected: Mixolydian Scale This pattern is Donationware.
License Type: Donationware
Donationware - This work id Donationware.

69. Acid Tabs 41 - TB-303 Pattern
Acid Tabs 41 - TB-303 Pattern - Pattern created by Acid-Tabs on Tuesday the 31st of October 2023 at 04:46:57 Scale Selected: Minor Pentatonic Scale This pattern is Donationware.
License Type: Donationware
Donationware - This work id Donationware.

70. Acid Tabs 39 - TB-303 Pattern
Acid Tabs 39 - TB-303 Pattern - Pattern created by Acid-Tabs on Monday the 30th of October 2023 at 20:51:56 Scale Selected: Major Scale This pattern is Donationware.
License Type: Donationware
Donationware - This work id Donationware.


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